Mobile lessons: We do not run terms, so you are welcome to enrol whenever you like. However, the closer to the beginning of our season you enrol, the more likely you are to get a place with us. 

For our facilities: Our programs vary, please refer to each facility’s information page to view enrolment times.

Infants and toddlers must wear a swim nappy (reusable are best), with their torso covered, as a minimum. 1-piece short sleeved zip up swimsuits are best for infants. Form-fitting swimwear is preferable over loose-fitting (such as board shorts) as it impedes swimming. Older children should wear firm swimwear, such as Jammers (firm swim shorts) for boys, or one-piece racing bathers for girls. 

It is important to help your child understand that swimming is a lifesaving skills that is essential in Australia. Talk with your child before each lesson, tell them about all the exciting things that will happen, and ensure you give lots of poolside encouragement. Give your child a confidence boost pre-lesson. Sometimes they may not feel well (without you knowing), and won’t want to participate. We won’t force your child to participate, but we will encourage them to join in, or watch from the side. Try to ensure their continued participation in swimming lessons, even if behaviour or lack of participation are concerns, as water confidence is an important component of keeping your child safe in Australia.

We recommend those with a contagious illness stay home and rest. If your child cannot attend school or daycare, they should not attend swimming lessons either, for at least 7 days post-symptoms. It is a myth that swimming lessons will cause more illnesses, as pool water is sterile, however contact and air will transfer illness, so please protect other swimmers and your instructors by resting at home when unwell. “If in doubt, keep them out”.

Unfortunately, drowning does not discriminate, even in winter. We encourage all swimmers to continue year-round, as skills will lapse without regular practice.

How long is a piece of string?

There are so many factors that influence the rate of skill acquisition. Children (and adults) are very different developmentally, and swimming is similar to walking. Take this quote for example: “If, as infants, we only practised walking for 30 minutes each week, imagine how long it would have taken until we could walk confidently?” During swimming lessons, you will see your child gain some skills fast, some slow, and sometimes they will seem to have plateaued. Ensure you celebrate every little win with your child, as even though it may seem like they have plateaued, they are still learning essential life saving skills.

If you have concerns about your child’s progress, please have a chat with us – we can give you tips to practise at home.

Remember, practise makes better, not perfect!

We anticipate that children get very excited about swimming lessons, find it hard to focus, and sometimes play under the water. Your instructor is trained to deal with this, and may have various methods for getting children to listen, however the utmost priority to manage children’s behaviour is to develop and maintain a positive instructor-child relationship and trust. Children do not know how to listen from birth, they have to learn this skill, so expect it to take a few weeks, be patient, and praise great listening!

Our lessons and facilities differ with payment options. Please refer to each facility’s fee schedule.

Yes! We are registered with KidSport – please send through your voucher code via email to redeem and we will apply a credit to your account, or use immediately for a pending enrolment.

Now! We accept enrolments from 3 months of age, all the way up to adults, and we also cater for special needs. There’s no better time than now, and science has proven that the earlier children begin swimming lessons, the faster they learn.

Oh no, you’re thinking about leaving? Please let us know your reasons for leaving – we always want to improve, and would like to rectify any issues if possible. 

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions.

No, we don’t. Our overheads and expertise do not reduce for multiple family enrolments, so discounts are not something we offer.

Yes, we sure do!

It is proven that children respond very well to intensive programs, as they are practising skills over many consecutive days. 

Mobile Holiday Programs are organised when it is convenient for you and your swimming teacher, whereas our permanent pools have their own holiday program schedules. Typically these are released 2-3 weeks before the holidays are due to begin. Please note however, not all of our facilities have the ability to offer holiday intensives, refer to each of our facility‘s pages for more information closer to school holiday dates.

We continually assess each swimmer, and certificates are issued as soon as they pass all required skills. No more waiting for until the end of term to see how well your child is going!

Our Permanent Pools: Vary, but generally every 5-6 weeks we have a chat session set aside – the last 5 minutes of each class – for each parent to briefly talk to their child’s instructor about progress and tips for practising at home. Please refrain from talking to your child’s instructor after each class, as the next class will be waiting.

Mobile Lessons: You are welcome to have a brief chat to the instructor after the lesson, however, please bare in mind that most instructors will have lessons back-to-back, and they will need to leave promptly.


Infant Aquatics (3 months – 3.5 years) = 4-8 babies/parents depending on pool size

Learn to Swim (3.5 years + ) = 4 children


Infant Aquatics (3 months – 2.5 years) = 8 babies/parents

Beginner (3y – 4y11m) = 4 swimmers

Learn to Swim (Stage 1-3) = 5 swimmers

Learn to Swim (Stage 4-7) = 6 swimmers

Upper Stages (Stage 8 and above) = 8 swimmers

Squads = 10 per lane

Adults = Beginner (6), Intermediate (8), Advanced (10)


Infants 3m-3y

1:1 private lessons – it us up to you. We highly recommend you do come into the water and be hands on with your child, however your instructor can take the lesson with your infant/toddler if you wish.

Group lessons – each infant must have 1 parent in the water (if space and programming allow, you may be able to have both parents if you wish). The teacher cannot take your infant for you in group classes.

Beginner Classes (3y – 4y11m)

These classes are aimed at getting parents out of the water and swimmers independent in the group class with their teacher. You may be needed in the water, but ideally it is teacher:student classes only.

Learn to swim and above

You do not need to be in the water with your child.


Infants 3m-2.5y

Each infant must have 1 parent (only) in the water. The teacher can not take your infant for you. Please do not come with more than 1 parent/guardian to 1 infant. 

Beginner Classes (3y – 4y11m)

These classes are aimed at getting parents out of the water and swimmers independent in the group class with their teacher. You may be needed poolside. Please come prepped with bathers.

Learn to swim and above

You do not need to be in the water with your child.

We recommend goggles for swimmers 2.5 years and older. The chemicals in the pool, though balanced, are still irritants. We recommend goggles for this reason. We do run water-safety weeks regularly, to ensure everyone can swim without goggles if ever in an emergency situation.

Our instructors have, as a minimum, Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety (RLSSWA, AUSTSWIM or ASCTA), CPR, First Aid, and WWCC. Most of our instructors also have their bronze medallion, Infant Aquatics, Teacher of Adults, Access and Inclusion (Disability), Competitive Strokes, or Bronze/Silver Coach (ASCTA) certifications.

We regularly run professional development sessions with our team, to ensure we are up to date with the latest research and teaching techniques.

They shouldn’t! There are 16 stages of Swim & Survive, and we highly recommend furthering each swimmer’s training with qualifications such as Pool Lifeguard, continuing in competitive swim training, or even achieving the Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety certification!

Water safety is a skill for life, and technique can always be improved.