Lessons for 16 years and up

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or just need to improve your stroke technique, we can tailor a swimming program to suit your needs. Come and join us in a friendly environment that will encourage learning.

If a child fell into a pool, could you safely rescue them? Do you have the ability to pick something up from the bottom of the pool? As a parent, you must make sure you can swim, just like your children. 

We focus on the basics (such as breath control, floating, sinking, streamline, and propulsion). Once the basics are mastered, we then move onto skills (Freestyle, Breaststoke, Backstroke, Survival Backstroke, Sidestroke, Butterfly). We also introduce and practise rescue techniques. Advanced adult swimmers involve longer distances and stroke correction to ensure maximum results with the least amount of energy expenditure.

Classes offered


